61 Years Old Elephant Enjoys Classical Music Performance of Moonlight Sonata (VIDEO)

Listening to classical music can be a soothing experience for many, including animals. This was evident when a 61-year-old elephant named Mongkol enjoyed a special performance by classical pianist Paul Barton.

Classical music is known for its calming effects, helping to reduce stress and lower cortisol levels. This was demonstrated when Barton, alongside his team, set up a piano in a serene forest setting to play for Mongkol after dark.

As Barton began playing Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata,” Mongkol showed appreciation by flapping his ears, wagging his tail, and swaying his trunk to the music. The elephant’s reaction clearly showed that he was enjoying the performance.


The touching moment concluded with Barton giving Mongkol a warm hug and the elephant peacefully settling down for the night.

This delightful interaction highlights the positive impact of music on animals and the unique bond between humans and wildlife.


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