The Indomitable Feline: A Cat’s Inspiring Tale of Walking with T. Rex-like Fortitude Despite Losing His Front Legs (by NgocChau)

Able, a cat hailing from Chiang Mai, Thailand, had an unfortunate accident that led to the loss of his front paws and tail after coming in contact with exposed electric wires. Despite this traumatic experience, Able persists and lives life as a normal cat by hopping on his hind legs, much like a T-Rex. This feline is now known for his tenacity and strength, as he was able to bounce back and recover from his injuries. Able’s misfortune happened when he was only a year old, as a loud noise that startled the neighborhood led to him getting electrocuted. The incident left him immobile, but luck smiled down on him when a kind-hearted resident named Walai Sriboonvorakul found him stranded in an alley seven days later. With her help, Able made a full recovery and is now three years old. He has even picked up some impressive skills along the way, such as navigating stairs, chasing other cats, and jumping up walls by bouncing like a kangaroo.

'Able' gets around by walking like a T-Rex after his front legs were 'fried off' by loose electric wires. The cat's gait resembles how the dino moves and Able's 'fried off' arms are even similar to the shrunken limbs of the frightening beast 

Able, a cute little cat, has a distinctive way of moving around. This is because he had an unfortunate accident where his front legs got electrocuted and had to be amputated. As a result, he now walks with a gait that somewhat resembles the movements of a T-Rex dinosaur. His shortened arms also add to the resemblance.

Able was disfigured after the horrific incident that happened in the streets of Chiang Mai, Thailand

In addition to walking like a T-Rex, the three-year-old cat hops like a kangaroo

A feline called Able faced a dreadful misfortune while roaming on the streets of Chiang Mai, Thailand, which left him with a deformed body. Despite his unusual stance and hopping like a kangaroo, this charming three-year-old cat is still an amazing and capable animal. The reason behind his name is because he can do everything that other cats can do. Unfortunately, Able’s injuries were caused by electric shock via wires that resulted in the loss of his legs and tail due to the severity of the jolt. At first, he struggled with his wounds since they were painful, but he promptly adapted to the new changes in his life. He mastered the art of standing and balancing on his hind legs and is now incredibly robust. Able is capable of climbing stairs, playing chase with other cats by bouncing like a mini kangaroo, and even jumping high up walls and ledges.

The electric shock was so loud that neighbours thought a bomb had gone off. Able was rescued by Walai Sriboonvorakul, who found him lying in an alley 

The sound of a sudden electric shock caused quite a stir among the neighbors, who immediately assumed that it was a bomb blast. Fortunately, Walai Sriboonvorakul discovered Able lying in an alley and took him in. The family showed Able love and care, providing him with food and shelter. However, when Able roamed too far outside, other stray animals would attack him, leaving him injured. As a result, the family decided to keep Able inside their two-story home. Able’s daily routine involves running up to his “big brother” Copter’s bedroom to wake him up. Copter considers Able to be a valuable member of their family, and they spend their days playing together. Although he lost his legs, Able has found a caring home where he is pampered and living a good life.

Able struggled at first but the brave cat has adapted quickly. Not only can he hop around but is able to jump over high walls

At first, Able encountered a few challenges, but this brave kitty has adapted quickly. He’s not just able to get around by hopping, but he can also jump over high obstacles.

Able is now considered part of the Sriboonvorakul  family and is kept inside their two storey home

Able has found a wonderful place to call home with the Sriboonvorakul family. They’ve warmly welcomed him into their roomy two-story house, where he feels completely at ease.

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