“Discover the Wondrous Charm of the Double-Eyed Fig Parrot: A Mesmerizing Beauty with Silky Blue Plumage”

The double-eyed fig-parrot is a popular bird species known by different names in various languages. It goes by papagaio-do-figo-de-cara-azul in Portuguese, psittacule double-œil in French, lorito dobleojo in Spanish, and maskenzwergpapagei in German.

Double-eyed fig parrot - Wikipedia

Psittaciformes order, Psittacidae family.
Geographical Distribution:
This particular species is predominantly found in New Guinea and its surrounding islands, along with the north-eastern coastline of Queensland, Australia.

Double-eyed Fig-Parrot - eBird

At a length of 14-16 cm and a weight of 39-55 g, these parrots are quite small.
The double-eyed fig-parrot resides in damp tropical woods, mangrove swamps, second-growth forests, forest borders, riverine forests, and periodically arid woodlands and open eucalyptus groves. In Australia, they can also be seen in rural gardens and parks within metropolitan areas. They can be found at altitudes ranging from sea level to 1,600 meters.

Double-Eyed Fig Parrot ( Female ) | Project Noah

Their diet consists mainly of seeds, particularly Ficus seeds, which they obtain from fruits that are ripe or almost ripe.

Double-eyed Fig-Parrot - eBird

During the months of March to December, these feathered creatures engage in breeding activities. The female bird excavates a hole on a decaying tree trunk or a limb of a living tree, which is situated at an altitude of about 12 meters from the ground. Afterward, the female lays two white eggs, which she broods for approximately 18-21 days while the male bird provides sustenance. Both parents take turns in feeding the hatchlings until they are ready to fledge, which usually happens between 27-52 days after hatching. However, it takes approximately ten more days before the fledglings can be considered fully independent.

The Double-Eyed Fig Parrot (Cyclopsitta diophthalma) is Australia's smallest parrot. It nests in tree hollows. : r/Awwducational

According to the IUCN, this species is categorized as “Least Concern” due to its extensive breeding range and a population of approximately 100,000 individuals worldwide. There is a belief that the population remains stable unless there is evidence of any significant threats or declines.

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