Encounter the Enthralling Plush-crested Jay: A Fascinating Avian Gem Enriching the Natural Habitat.

Introducing the Plush Crested Jay, a captivating avian species known for its vibrant blue eyeliner and fashionable sideburns. With its eye-catching combination of pale yellow and black feathers, this large jay undoubtedly knows how to make a bold fashion statement.

The elegant medium-sized bird known as the plush-crested jay (Cyanocorax chrysops) possesses a unique and captivating appearance. Its black underparts, chin, throat, neck sides, and breast create a striking contrast against the creamy-white to pale yellowish rest of its underparts. Adding to its allure, the bird’s under tail showcases graduated shades of creamy to pale yellowish rectrices with dark bases. Additionally, the plush-crested jay boasts a distinct crown, with stiff feathers on the forehead that transition to softer feathers, forming a velvety crest. The forehead, crown, and sides of the head display a deep black color, highlighting a luminous ultramarine crescent positioned above its eyes. Moreover, a similarly colored spot can be observed beneath the eye, extending rearward to merge into a cyan-blue malar stripe, creating a V-like pattern. As we move towards the back of the bird, the nape adopts a pale ultramarine hue, gradually transitioning into a pure ultramarine shade further along the neck. The bill of the plush-crested jay is black, while its eyes shine with a vibrant yellow color. Finally, the legs and feet of this magnificent bird are also a sleek shade of black.

Both males and females exude a vibrant vitality. The young avian creatures sport a less vibrant nape, showcasing their facial patterns as they mature, typically after their first month.

These magnificent avian creatures inhabit the heartland of South America, specifically the central-southern regions of Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and the northeastern part of Argentina.

The Plush-crested Jay is commonly found in forests and wooded regions, ranging from the usual lowland evergreen forests and tropical deciduous forests to temperate rainforests. It is often observed at elevations of up to 1500 meters, but there have been sightings of this bird as high as 2800 meters in Bolivia.

The Plush-crested Jay primarily consumes small invertebrates, particularly insects. However, they also enjoy feasting on a variety of fruits from various plant species, including Ficus, Phylodendrum, Casearia, Syagros, Psidium, and Rapanea. Additionally, they opportunely snatch nestlings and eggs of other bird species, frogs, seeds, and even maize whenever they have the opportunity.

Sometimes, these birds like to work together when it comes to breeding. They can have the help of two to three offspring from the previous season, who assist with building the nest and protecting their territory. The nest, which has a cup-like shape, is constructed around 4 to 7 meters above the ground, using twigs and lined with smaller twigs and plant fibers. Within this cozy nest, the female bird lays 2 to 4 eggs, which are covered in speckles. The eggs are then incubated for a period of 18 to 20 days. During this time, the female is nourished by her mate. Finally, after 22 to 24 days since hatching, the chicks are ready to leave the nest and take their first flights.

The existence of the Plush-crested Jay is currently at risk due to deforestation. However, there is a silver lining as this particular species has the ability to survive in smaller forest areas ranging from 10 to 20 hectares, as long as these patches of greenery are not too far apart from each other.

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