Elephant Yoga: Graceful Giants at the Houston Zoo Showcase Impressive Yoga Skills

In Hinduism, elephants hold a sacred status, and India is renowned as the birthplace of yoga. So, it might not surprise that elephants are drawn to practicing yoga-like exercises.

A striking image captures the world’s largest land animal performing a headstand with remarkable ease. Can you achieve a headstand with such grace?

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At the Houston Zoo, elephants engage in yoga-inspired stretching routines, each lasting 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

These exercises strengthen their muscles and stimulate their physical and mental well-being.

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During these stretching sessions, zookeepers closely monitor the elephants’ movements and assess their flexibility. To keep the elephants motivated, they are rewarded with special treats.

In a captivating image, Tess, a nearly 40-year-old mother of four and grandmother of one, gracefully balances on her head, demonstrating exceptional agility. In contrast, Methai, a 54-year-old matriarch, prefers a more relaxed approach.

Kristin Windle, the Elephant Supervisor at the Houston Zoo, emphasizes the importance of building solid and positive relationships with the elephants.

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This bond is crucial for providing excellent healthcare and ensuring the well-being of these majestic creatures.

“These stretching sessions, which resemble elephant yoga, play a crucial role in fostering positive relationships with our elephants,” Windle explains.

“Using positive reinforcement, we enhance their flexibility and thoroughly examine their skin, feet, and mouths. These sessions offer invaluable insights into our elephants’ overall health and well-being.”

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