Tips for Protecting Your Garden from Rabbits

keep wild rabbits off land

Pet rabbits are a common addition to many households, but wild rabbits can cause quite a headache. They can wreak havoc on your property, spreading fleas to your pets in the process. During the warmer months, they will happily munch on your plants, flowers, fruits, and vegetables, while in the colder months, they will turn to tree bark and shrubs for sustenance. If you’re dealing with a pesky rabbit problem, keep reading to discover ways to protect your plants and deter these furry intruders.

Indications that rabbits are present in your vicinity

rabbits and hares

If you’ve had rabbits hanging around in your garden, you might have noticed some telltale signs, such as clean-cut damage to plants, piles of small brown droppings, tufts of fur, fresh holes and upturned soil, gnaw marks around tree trunks, and maybe even fleas on your pets.

Having wild rabbits on your property can be a real headache for gardeners. They have a tendency to munch on any edible vegetation, which can be frustrating and costly considering the time and money that goes into gardening and planting new flowers. And let’s not forget about their rapid breeding habits – rabbits are notorious for multiplying like, well, rabbits. With 3-6 litters a year and 3-6 babies in each litter, a single mother rabbit could potentially have up to 36 offspring in just one year. That’s a lot of rabbits wreaking havoc in your garden.

When it comes to controlling rabbits on your land, it’s important to be aware of the laws and regulations in your area.

rabbits in garden

If you own large estates or business land, it is important to follow the law and control the rabbit population on your property. Rabbits can cause damage to crops, pastures, hedges, and more, which can lead to chaos for your business or neighboring properties if their numbers get out of control.

To prevent rabbits from causing problems, it is essential to erect rabbit-proof fencing. Failure to do so can result in prosecution. Rabbits can also pose a health and safety risk if they are sitting on footpaths, as they may create a trip hazard.

There are various methods to repel wild rabbits from your land. From using chicken wire to planting foliage that rabbits dislike, there are different options to deter these pests. Other methods include using dogs and cats to scare away rabbits, inspecting garden fencing for holes, reducing nesting opportunities, and using repellents.

For a more reliable and effective solution, hiring pest control services to install rabbit fencing can be a great option. These professionals can also remove rabbits from your land using traps, gas, rifles, and ferrets. Pest control services can assess the most suitable solutions for your specific situation, providing a more permanent solution to your rabbit problem.

If you want to ensure that your property is pest-free, consider turning to pest control experts like Pest Defence. With over 25 years of experience, they have helped numerous domestic and commercial customers get rid of pests quickly and effectively. Contact them today for more information or to schedule their services. They offer a same-day emergency response and are fully qualified and accredited.

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