Courageous Veterinarians Perform Life-Saving CPR on Elephant Mother as Calf Looks On

In an impressive act of courage and kindness, a team of veterinarians skillfully performed CPR on a mother elephant in distress as her worried calf looked on. This remarkable incident took place in Nakhon Nayok, located in central Thailand, amid a heavy downpour that caused the elephants to stumble into a deep concrete drainage ditch.

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During the storm, the elephants slipped into a deep hole due to the slippery ground. The heavy monsoon rains made it challenging to rescue them, but a group of veterinarians and park rangers managed to lift them out using a cherry picker in a careful operation.

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As the team worked to save the mother, she accidentally injured herself and passed out, making the situation more challenging. They had to be careful not to upset the nearby group of 30 elephants while trying to wake her up. The doctors came up with a quick strategy, jumping on her chest to get her heart beating again. Throughout the rescue, her one-year-old baby stayed nearby, watching closely as the humans did their best to help.

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Dr. Chananya Kanchanasarak, the head veterinarian at the national park, explained that they had to sedate the mother elephant in order to rescue her baby. Unfortunately, the mother ended up hitting her head before losing consciousness. Thankfully, after some time and dedicated efforts from the veterinarians, the mother was able to regain consciousness.

During the three-hour rescue mission, the baby elephant, stuck in a drain due to heavy rain, found solace in nursing while waiting for her mother to wake up. The veterinarians took precautions to carefully lift the mother out of the ditch with a crane to prevent any further harm. Once safely on stable ground, the team immediately started performing CPR to ensure her full recovery.

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The rescuers were overjoyed to see the mother successfully revived and reunited with her calf. Witnessing the heartwarming moment of them disappearing into the forest brought tears to everyone involved. Dr. Chananya was grateful for the mother’s unwavering dedication to her baby, despite the obstacles they faced.

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“This rescue is definitely going down in the books as one of the most unforgettable ones,” she announced, relieved that both elephants were now out of harm’s way. A huge shoutout to all those who played a part in this successful mission, your hard work definitely paid off.

This remarkable rescue serves as a reminder of the crucial importance of safeguarding these majestic creatures. With approximately 4,000 elephants residing in Thailand, half of which are held in captivity, incidents like these underscore the pressing need for ongoing conservation initiatives.

The courageous efforts of the veterinarians and park rangers have not only left us in awe but also inspired many, showcasing the incredible impact of human kindness in preserving our wildlife. Stay updated on more heartwarming Elephant News.

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