Blind Elephant Takes Her First Steps of Freedom at Sanctuary

In Thailand, a heartwarming scene unfolded as three elephants approached a riverbank. Leading the way was a young baby elephant who eagerly stepped into the water, navigating between the legs of her companions.

The baby elephant, named Pyi Mai, appeared thrilled by her first encounter with the river. She joyfully splashed around and frolicked, clearly delighted by the cool sensation of the water on her skin. Her mother, Mae Mai, and the nanny, Sri Nuan, watched over her with gentle curiosity.

This playful moment marks the first time Pyi Mai has experienced the river. The video capturing this event has captured the hearts of many viewers, highlighting the significance of animals thriving in their natural habitats.


Shared on the Elephant News YouTube channel, which is affiliated with Elephant Nature Park and the Save Elephant Foundation, the footage underscores the sanctuary’s mission.

Elephant Nature Park is dedicated to providing a safe and natural environment for rescued elephants.

With approximately 95,000 views and over 200 comments, the video has sparked widespread admiration for the baby elephant’s joyous exploration and the freedom she enjoys in her natural setting.


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