Baby Elephant Wan Mai Plays at the Nature Park Until Exhausted (VIDEO)

In the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand, the tall, lush trees are a backdrop for an energetic baby elephant named Wan Mai. This young elephant spends his day joyfully running through the grass and playing in the pool.

Wan Mai’s day is filled with activity as he kicks up clouds of dirt while dashing around the park. He takes refreshing breaks in a shallow pool, splashing water over himself before darting to explore more of the park.

This routine repeats several times, with Wan Mai creating big splashes as he circles back to the pool.


Nearby, two adult elephants watch his playful antics. Although less active, they enjoy observing the young elephant’s fun. As Wan Mai splashes in the pool, a soccer ball floats nearby, adding to the playful scene.

Wan Mai then turns his attention to the soccer ball, batting it in the water. Unfazed by his activity, the two adult elephants continue to eat their food by the water’s edge.


After a while, the little elephant’s energy wanes. Wan Mai slowly climbs out of the pool, seeking comfort under the two larger elephants. He lies down beneath their protective shadows and soon falls asleep, exhausted from his busy day.

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