Baby Elephant Adorably Interrupts Reporter During Interview (VIDEO)

Geoff Mayes, a reporter participating in the Plains Rally to highlight Africa’s poaching crisis, had an unexpected yet delightful guest: Komo, a baby elephant. Komo, much like a playful toddler, brought an element of unpredictability to the broadcast.

Despite being just a baby, Komo already outweighs a human adult. As Geoff began discussing the serious issue of the ivory trade threatening elephants, Komo playfully head-butted him, making it challenging for Geoff to keep a straight face.

The baby elephant’s antics, including ear-fanning and attention-seeking, had Geoff and viewers alike giggling.


Geoff continued his mission to raise awareness, stating, “We are currently losing a vast number of elephants to poachers, and elephants are very close to my heart.” Despite the light-hearted moment, Geoff’s message about the elephants’ plight remained clear.

Komo’s charming behavior in the video helps draw attention to the serious issue of poaching. Seeing such an endearing and intelligent creature can inspire empathy and a desire to protect these magnificent animals.

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