Heartwarming Bond: Woman’s Lullaby Helps Elephant Drift to Sleep

Lek has developed a deep connection with Faamai, the elephant she has been helping to sleep for years.

In a touching video, Lek sings softly as she approaches Faamai, who responds by wrapping her trunk around Lek in a gentle hug.


As Lek sings, she walks around Faamai, using a cloth to brush away insects from the elephant’s eyes. Gradually, Faamai begins to feel sleepy, lowering herself to her knees before lying on the ground.

Settling comfortably, Faamai lowers her head, closes her eyes, and listens to Lek’s soothing lullaby. Lek’s continuous singing and the soft motion of the cloth help calm Faamai, who soon curls her trunk in a cozy position as she drifts off to sleep.


Lek remains by Faamai’s side, gently stroking her trunk while continuing to sing. A younger elephant approaches, drawn by the calming sounds, and listens intently.

The video has gained widespread attention online, amassing over 100,000 views and numerous comments. Viewers have praised the touching display of connection between Lek and Faamai.

One commenter noted, “The bond between them is so beautiful. I wish all humans treated animals with such respect,” while another said, “This cheered me up; thanks for sharing.”


In this heartwarming scene, Faamai curls up as she prepares for the night, showcasing the deep and gentle relationship she shares with Lek.


African Elephant

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