A Sweet Surprise: Elephant Causes Traffic Jam for a Snack (VIDEO)

Auan-tia, a beloved young elephant residing at a nearby sanctuary, caused quite a stir when he boldly stepped up to collect tolls from passing truck drivers.

While elephants are typically admired for their elegance and charm, the truckers traversing their familiar routes were taken aback by the unexpected encounter. At the sight of sugarcane loaded onto a truck, Auan-tia seized the opportunity and made sure it wouldn’t slip through his trunk.

After living in the sanctuary for many years, Auan-tia coolly made his way towards the parked trucks. The drivers couldn’t help but slow down and allow the curious elephant to come closer for a closer look.


Auan-tia, while riding in an open truck, decided to munch on some sugarcane, which ended up causing a bit of a traffic jam. This adorable moment, captured on video and viewed by over nine million people, showcases the charming and playful side of elephants. It’s a video guaranteed to brighten anyone’s day.


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