Close Call at Yala National Park: Tourists and Guides Escape Angry Elephant

Recently at Yala National Park in Sri Lanka, an alarming encounter occurred when a large elephant chased and attacked a group of tourists and their guides.

The incident, which has sparked public concern, began when a fast-moving Jeep drew the elephant’s attention.


The vehicle’s speed and noise aggravated the massive Asian elephant, prompting its aggressive behavior.

Upon noticing the humans, the elephant charged toward the Jeep, its imposing size and rough movements causing the vehicle to tilt and the occupants to panic.


Despite the frightening situation, the elephant’s main intention appeared to be searching for food rather than causing harm.

The driver and passengers, familiar with handling such situations, remained calm and stayed inside the Jeep. Fortunately, their composed response helped them avoid any injuries.

Wildlife experts suggest that the noise from the Jeep might have attracted the elephant, which typically dislikes disturbances.


Thankfully, this encounter ended without serious consequences, as the elephant’s anger was mainly due to hunger rather than hostility.

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