Tsavo’s Resilient Orphaned Elephants Overcome Drought Challenges

The severe drought that struck Tsavo between 2021 and 2022 has devastated the region’s wildlife and ecosystems.

Orphaned elephants, like Kenderi, are among the most vulnerable casualties of this crisis, struggling to survive in an environment stripped of essential resources.


Kenderi, a young elephant rescued from the Tsavo area, now receives care and support at our Elephant Reintegration Unit.

On August 22, 2022, a three-year-old female orphaned elephant was found at the Sentrim campsite in Tsavo East National Park.


She was emaciated, visibly distressed, and alone, vividly illustrating the severe consequences of the drought on the region’s wildlife.

The plight of orphaned elephants such as Kenderi highlights the crucial need for ongoing conservation efforts.

As their habitats shrink and resources become scarce, these young elephants face significant challenges to survival, relying on the commitment of conservationists and wildlife experts.


Our Elephant Reintegration Unit supports these orphaned elephants by providing crucial nutrition, medical care, and emotional support.

Our rehabilitation and reintegration programs aim to give these elephants a chance to return to their natural habitats and thrive.

Despite the formidable obstacles facing Tsavo’s wildlife, the story of Kenderi and others like her demonstrates nature’s incredible resilience and adaptability.


Despite their hardships, these orphaned elephants exhibit remarkable strength and perseverance, offering hope for the future of Tsavo’s wildlife.

As we continue our conservation efforts amid these challenges, our commitment to protecting Tsavo’s vital ecosystems and ensuring the survival of its wildlife remains steadfast.

Together, we can positively impact the lives of orphaned elephants such as Kenderi, paving the way for a hopeful future for Tsavo and its diverse wildlife.

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