Leopard Escapes to Tree After Young Elephant’s Persistent Chase

In South Africa, a leopard found itself in an unusual predicament, seeking refuge atop a tree after being chased by a young elephant from its herd.

Kevin Dooley, a 60-year-old photographer from Albuquerque, New Mexico, captured this rare encounter at the Madikwe Game Reserve.


The dramatic scene unfolded as the leopard, in an attempt to stay safe, leaped into a tree to escape the determined elephant.

Dooley’s striking photographs show the bull elephant trying to reach the leopard by extending its trunk toward the branches.


The elephant blew dirt from its trunk, hoping to scare the big cat from its perch, but the leopard remained steadfast.

Despite the elephant’s aggressive attempts, the leopard stayed vigilant at the top of the tree. Kevin commented, “The bull elephant detected the leopard’s scent from quite a distance. When it reached the tree, it tried to intimidate the leopard but stood its ground. I watched this standoff for about an hour and a half.”

Dooley emphasized how challenging it is to spot leopards in their natural habitat, let alone witness such an interaction between an elephant and a leopard. “Seeing this was truly unforgettable,” he added.


Elephants in the wild are known to target large predators like lions or leopards, especially when they feel their herd is threatened.

In this case, although the leopard managed to find temporary safety in the tree, the elephant continued circling the base, waiting for a chance to scare the predator away.

While elephants rarely chase animals into trees, they often use trumpeting noises to intimidate predators.


The protective unity within elephant herds makes it difficult for solitary predators like leopards or lions to pose a significant threat, especially when facing even the smallest adult elephants.

Other elephants in the herd often charge or display aggressive body language, further deterring potential attackers.

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