Mother Elephant and Her Calf Undergo Critical Care at Loisaba Wildlife Sanctuary

At the Loisaba Wildlife Conservancy, conservationists recently encountered a heartwarming yet concerning sceneā€”a mother elephant and her one-and-a-half-year-old calf.

Although the sight of the pair was initially uplifting, it quickly became clear that both animals were in distress.


The mother elephant was struggling with a swollen leg and a noticeable limp, indicating previous attempts to treat her injury had not been successful.

Recognizing the need for immediate medical attention, a rescue team moved carefully through thick vegetation to reach the injured elephant.


A 15mg dose of etorphine Hcl was administered by Dart to safely sedate her so that her condition could be assessed and treated.

While the mother received vital care, her young calf stayed close by, never wandering far. Upon examination, the calf also had a swollen front leg, with a dislocation at the elbow. No cuts or external wounds were present, leaving conservationists puzzled about the cause.

It was speculated that the injury might have resulted from a fall or rough encounter during mating.


The treatment plan for both elephants included injections of Vitamin B12, Calcium (CalcijectĀ®), Dexamethasone, and the antibiotic BetamoxĀ® to address potential infections and manage joint pain.

After completing the procedure, the mother was revived with a 48mg dose of diprenorphine Hcl, marking a hopeful step in her recovery.

This moment highlights the ongoing challenges and care required to protect and heal these majestic creatures in the wild.

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