A Typical Day With Your New Pet Rabbit

Pet rabbits come in all shapes and sizes, but if you are a typical pet person, the reality is that you fell in love with your pet rabbit because it was the most adorable, fluffy, wonderful little creature you had ever seen. I met a rabbit named Ernie a couple of days ago and fell in love. So soft, so cuddly, so cute. How could anyone not want a pet rabbit? Right? We think rabbits rock, but in all honesty there are good, bad and ugly parts to any pet ownership, and rabbits are no different.

Daily Routine

A typical day in the life of a pet rabbit owner might look something like this:

Woman with pet rabbits on table

7:00am â€“ The morning cuddle with Fluffster, as you have so cutely named your pet rabbit. You smile, reminding yourself how lucky you are to own such a delightful creature.

7:10am â€“ You clean out Fluffster’s cage, not a pleasant job, but someone has to do it. An Ultra Absorbent Bedding can make this less of a chore. Meanwhile, Fluffster happily hops around your house while you work.

7:45am â€“ after showering, you try to round Fluffster up to get him back in his cage so you can go to work. You call, but he doesn’t come. You search room by room, anxiously looking at the clock for fear of being late to work. Finally you find him, tucked under a chair in your living room looking as cute as a bunny. You shuffle him back into his cage and race out the door.

5:15pm â€“ home at last after a fulfilling day at work. You can’t wait to see the Fluffster and play with him. You settle down on the couch for a while before starting dinner, and Fluffster hops around the couch, then onto you, then back around the couch, bringing you joy and delight.

7:00pm â€“ dinner and dishes achieved, you settle back in to play with the Fluffster. He looks at you innocently while you see, in the middle of the floor, your computer power cord chewed to pieces. Arghhh!!! Last week he went after your iPhone earbuds, and this week it is your power cord. Will he never learn what he can and can’t chew on? Frustration abounds, but then you look at Fluffster with his button nose, his long silky ears and his sweet disposition, and how can you stay mad? You welcome him back to good graces because you know you can get a new power cord, but never a new Fluffster.

Like any animal, your pet rabbit will give you reasons to adore him and reasons to want to ring his neck. Rabbits don’t come when you call. They are not stupid, but they aren’t really trainable in the same way a dog might be. You also have to know that rabbits aren’t the most loyal of creatures. They will always prefer the company of another rabbit to your company, no matter how well you take care of them and love them. Just knowing that helps, so you don’t expect your rabbit to do things that just aren’t in it’s nature. Rabbits are adorable, and the challenges with destroying your stuff can be minimized by keeping an eye on them when you are home, and making sure they are in their cage (a good sized one of course) while you are out. 

Like any new parent (whether to children or pets) knowing the basics of what to except is extremely helpful. That’s why we created a Rabbit Starter Kit to help new parents know things like common rabbit terms, the importance of hay, and what to get on hand in your rabbit first aid kit! Download it now and start the rewarding adventure of being a rabbit owner.

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