Adorable bunny and cat are best friends and they’re inseparable

The cat and rabbit together
Aren’t they adorable? (Picture: Caters News)

An adorable cat is best friends with the bunny his owner rescued, and the pair are completely inseperable.

Milton Torres, from Austin, Texas, found a rabbit on the side of the street in late August and decided to take it home.

The bunny, now named Curbie, quickly became friends with Milton’s cat Cinemark, who has been with Milton for eight years and is also a rescue pet.

Cinemark and Curbie are now inseparable and spend most of their time cuddling up together and playing around the house.

Cinemark and Curbie cuddling
Cinemark and Curbie are both inseparable now (Picture: Caters News)

Milton, who is a salesman and publisher, said: ‘I am pretty sure Curbie was abandoned because he is not a wild rabbit and he’s also potty trained.

‘I was driving by and I saw him on the side of the street, he wasn’t moving and I didn’t even know if he was alive.

‘I made a U turn and found that he was okay, probably just terrified.’

According to Milton, the friendship between the two started as Cinemark likes to ‘clean’ other animals up with his tongue.

Milton said: ‘Cinemark loves cleaning other animals and Curbie doesn’t mind having him do that, so I think that’s how their friendship started.

‘They spend most of the time together, sometimes they also cuddle up together before sleep.’

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