Adorable dog-sized rabbit finally finds his forever home


LONDON – Last month we reported on a dog-sized rabbit in desperate need of a new home — now just under a month later Atlas the rabbit now has a permanent home.

After his story went global people from all over the world, including the U.S., Canada and France started reaching out to the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to re-home the rabbit.

Thanks to Jen Hislop from Ayrshire, the adorable bunny will get to stay in his native Scotland.


Jen, a financial fraud investigator, told the charity, “I burst into tears when I got the phone call saying I had been chosen to re-home Atlas and I cried again when I collected him.”

The 43-year-old, who previously had two giant bunnies, currently has a giant Rex rabbit named Coconut.

Atlas new home has a summer house with heating and air-conditioning. He also has his own accommodation in a large garden enclosure as well as the run of the house.

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big bunny 3

To Jen, the rabbit was the perfect addition to her family and the only thing she changed about him was his name. Say hello to Atilla the Bun Binky Master Jazz Paws, but don’t worry you can call “him Atty for short!”

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