Dog stories

The video shows a heart-wrenching scene as a grieving mother dog determinedly uncovers her deceased puppy. Kookie tirelessly digs through the tightly packed earth until she reaches the male pup and pulls it out of its makeshift grave by a leg. In an attempt to revive her precious offspring, she licks and nudges the tiny […]

Ensuring that our furry friends are content and pleased is actually easy – they merely crave our affection and care. Often, it’s the uncomplicated pleasures in life that bring them unending delight and amusement, as evidenced by a charming pooch who derived happiness from frolicking and grooming itself in the rain. The complete occurrence was

People who left Magnolia by herself lack empathy. Magnolia, the dog, serves as an inspiration that hope never fades away. It’s not easy to move around with a six-kilogram load on your back. The group of people had no idea what they were in for when they stumbled upon a dog who was completely immobile

In Canada, a heart-wrenching situation unfolded as a dog was left chained up by its owners for an unimaginable 10 years. The poor animal suffered from severe neglect, abuse, hunger, and exposure to the cold weather. Neighbors who witnessed the pitiable state of the dog were understandably concerned and couldn’t bear to see it continue

In a harsh and unforgiving world, there was once a dog named Abby who had to scavenge for food just to survive. After being picked up by animal control, it became clear that Abby had lived a difficult life as she was in poor health and estimated to be between 10-12 years old. However, despite

The hero of this story is a pit bull who sacrificed herself to protect her owners. Nong Horm, a courageous woman from Pathum Thani in central Thailand, fought off a snake that had entered her family’s garden. Unfortunately, she was unable to survive the venomous bite of the serpent.   Nong Horm, who was almost

The mistreatment and savagery towards the most vulnerable living beings on earth seems to have no bounds. Despite a global pandemic that still puts our lives at risk, we remain insensitive to this issue. Recent incidents, like the one faced by the Malaga Plant and Animal Protection Association (SPAPMA), make us reflect on this matter.

It breaks my heart to see this dog stranded at the bus stop for three whole days. I’m not sure if it belonged to someone or was left behind, but it’s hard to fathom how anyone could leave such a loyal and affectionate creature behind. He feels an immense hunger and shivers with cold. The

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