Elephant Mother Fights for 11 Hours to Free Calf Stuck in Mud

In a dramatic display of maternal devotion, a mother elephant struggled for 11 hours to rescue her baby trapped in a muddy well.

Determined not to leave her calf behind, the mother relentlessly used her trunk and feet to free her young one.


Despite her best efforts, her attempts to rescue the calf inadvertently worsened the situation by pushing more mud into the well, which nearly suffocated the trapped baby. The ordeal began at 9 PM and continued until 8 AM.

The situation took a turn for the better when Chatra District, India’s residents arrived after hearing the calf’s distress calls.


They acted quickly to help, diverting the mother’s attention by placing banana trunks near the well. This diversion allowed them to clear the sand blocking the well and rescue the calf.

Jitendra Tiwari, who captured the event and aided in the rescue, explained, “We used banana trunks to momentarily distract the mother elephant, which gave us the chance to remove the sand and help her calf.”

Eventually, the mother could pull her baby out of the well using her trunk. After the rescue, the pair was seen walking away together, their trunks intertwined to display their strong bond.

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