Elephants Delight Crowds by Smashing and Snacking on Giant Pumpkins (VIDEO)

In a spectacle reminiscent of the Halloween classic ‘Monster Mash,’ a family of elephants recently delighted onlookers by stomping on and devouring over 1,200 pounds of pumpkins. But did you know just how much a typical elephant weighs?

Thanks to the efforts of growers Larry Nelson and Jim Paino, the much-anticipated annual event known as the ‘Squishing of the Squash’ took place once again, bringing joy to the elephant herd. An elephant can crush a pumpkin under its immense weight with a single step

The elephants don’t just stop at squashing the pumpkins. They skillfully use their trunks to scoop out the seeds and fleshy insides, making a hearty meal of the smashed gourds. Spectators cheered with excitement each time a pumpkin was crushed.

The footage from the event starts with four enormous pumpkins in the yard. Only two elephants had been thoroughly demolished by the end, leaving no pumpkin intact.

Elephants, the largest land animals on Earth, come in three species: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant.

Their trunks serve multiple purposes, including breathing, drinking, grasping, and, in this case, enjoying a pumpkin feast.

These majestic creatures can weigh between 6,000 and 13,000 pounds, adding to the awe of their pumpkin-smashing prowess.

While many people enjoy carving pumpkins into Jack-O-Lanterns for Halloween, these elephants seem content to crush the pumpkins and feast on the orange goodness.

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The crowd was in for a real treat as these majestic animals effortlessly smashed the pumpkins, providing an unforgettable show.

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