Elephants Experience Snow for the First Time, Delighting Oregon Zoo Visitors

In late February, an unexpected snowstorm turned Oregon into a beautiful winter scene, covering even the Oregon Zoo with snow.

While many animals stayed in their shelters, the zoo’s elephants were especially intrigued by their first encounter with snow.


As the elephants stepped out of their warm barn, they appeared fascinated by the unfamiliar sight. The snow-covered ground quickly grabbed their attention, and with curiosity, they began interacting with the snow using their trunks.

They playfully shaped snowballs, tossing them around, while the younger elephants expressed their excitement by trumpeting and rolling in the snow.


To add to the fun, zoo staff had created a snow maze for the elephants to explore. The elephants eagerly chased one another through the maze, slipping and sliding on the icy ground, much to the delight of onlookers.

Visitors to the zoo were thrilled to witness these gentle giants enjoy the snow for the first time, creating a heartwarming and memorable experience. A video of the elephants’ playful antics quickly went viral, spreading joy to worldwide viewers.

While elephants naturally adapt to warm climates, their thick skin and insulating fat help them handle the cold.


To keep the elephants comfortable, zoo staff provided heated barns and hay, ensuring their well-being during the snowstorm.

The sight of the elephants playing in the snow was entertaining and a reminder of the importance of creating enriching environments for animals.

The Oregon Zoo’s efforts to enhance the elephants’ experience with a snow maze highlight how zoos can improve animal welfare while providing visitors with unique and unforgettable moments.


The elephants’ snowy adventure brought smiles to many, showing the simple joys that unite humans and animals.

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