Elephants Rush to Baby’s Rescue After Her Cry

Khanyisa, an albino elephant, often enjoys the company of Mambo, the son of her adoptive mother, Lundi.

The two elephants love stirring up the sand and playing together, but Mambo wanders off, leaving Khanyisa behind.


One day, Mambo climbed a high mountain and moved away from Khanyisa. Realizing she was alone, Khanyisa called out for her herd. Immediately, her herd members rushed to her aid.

Limpopo was the first to reach her, followed by Jabulani, who took a position outside, and Lundi, who moved to the left.

Kumbura quickly joined the group, and soon after, Timisa arrived. As the herd gathered around Khanyisa, they calmed down, knowing she was safe. Even the younger elephants, like Pisa, joined in to support her.


Towke arrived a bit late, but his presence was still reassuring. The adult elephants worked tirelessly to ensure the safety of the entire herd in the wild.

Each herd member was vital in protecting Khanyisa, except for Mambo, who was still away. Meanwhile, the two giant elephants, Setombe and Zindoga, engaged in a sparring match nearby.

Eventually, Somopane ambled closer to understand the commotion, and Bubi joined to help protect the herd. The unity among the elephants was remarkable, as they all rushed to aid a member in need.

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