Encountering Bluebell: The Enormous Rabbit with a Canine Identity from Growing up with Yorkshire Terriers

A massive rescue bunny named Bluebell thinks she’s a pooch because she grew up with Yorkshire Terriers. At three feet long, she has her own bed, responds to her name, and eagerly waits by the door for her owner. Despite weighing one and a half stone and being seven years old, this Great Continental rabbit often gets mistaken for a dog, at least until people notice her signature long, floppy ears.

Giant rescue rabbit Bluebell believes she is a dog after being raised with Yorkshire Terriers 

Bluebell, the massive rescue rabbit, thinks she’s a part of the pack thanks to being brought up alongside Yorkshire Terriers.

The three-foot long bunny has her own dog bed, comes when called and waits for her owner at the front door 

The bunny, measuring three feet in length, has her own designated dog bed, responds when called, and eagerly awaits her owner’s return by the front door.

Owner Carol Murray, who is a dog groomer, said Bluebell 'stands her ground' when it comes to other pooches

She said the bunny is often mistaken for a dog, until they spot her long floppy ears.

Carol Murray, a skilled dog groomer, shared that Bluebell is quite assertive when interacting with other dogs. Bluebell was rescued from a home where she was cramped in a cage with six Yorkshire terriers and ten rats.

According to Carol, Bluebell enjoys snacking on kale and Rich Tea biscuits, but she also has a mischievous side and likes to sneak treats from the dinner table like a naughty puppy. Carol, who is 45 and resides in Barnston, Merseyside, is smitten with Bluebell, whom she acquired three years ago.

Carol described how Bluebell loves to follow her around the house and relax on the couch in the living room. People often mistake Bluebell for a dog when they see Carol petting her, only to realize she’s actually a rabbit. Bluebell has her own spacious dog bed and even her own bedroom.

When encountering dogs, Bluebell doesn’t back down. Carol recalled how Bluebell used to chase her previous owner’s Dalmatian all around the place.

The rabbit's favourite snacks include Rich Tea biscuits, although the giant rabbit often sneaks treats from the dinner table like a naughty puppy 

The bunny absolutely loves munching on Rich Tea biscuits, but this oversized rabbit is quite the sneaky one when it comes to swiping snacks from the dinner table like a mischievous little puppy.

The seven-year-old Great Continental rabbit has doubled in size over the past three years and now weighs one and a half stone 

The seven-year-old Great Continental rabbit has grown significantly in size over the past three years, now weighing one and a half stone. Despite her age, she still has an excellent sense of smell, although she occasionally bumps into furniture in the front room due to her limited eyesight.
Bluebell used to wear adorable little outfits, but now they no longer fit her because she has doubled in size. Despite losing her eyesight recently, she is thriving, defying the typical lifespan of a Giant Continental rabbit, which is usually five to six years.
Her owner, Ms. Murray, shared Bluebell’s heartbreaking past, as she was rescued from a chaotic environment where she shared a cage with six Yorkies and ten rats before becoming the lone survivor. Bluebell bore physical scars from her past, including a cigarette burn on one ear and had part of her other ear pecked off by a parrot.
Nevertheless, Bluebell remains incredibly friendly and loving. Whenever Ms. Murray returns home, Bluebell hears her at the door and excitedly flicks her ears in anticipation. It’s moments like these that remind Ms. Murray of the special bond she shares with her beloved rabbit.

She was rescued from a house where she had been sharing a cage with six Yorkshire terriers and ten rats 

She was saved from a residence where she had been kept in a cage with six Yorkshire terriers and ten rats.

Ms Murray used to dress Bluebell in little outfits but they do not fit her anymore now that's she grown in size

Ms. Murray used to dress up Bluebell in cute little outfits, but they no longer fit her as she has grown. Despite outgrowing her clothes, cheeky Bluebell remains quite relaxed, often stretching out on the sofa and sneaking food from the dinner table.

According to Ms. Murray, for breakfast, Bluebell enjoys Shredded Wheat or bananas with sultanas, followed by black kale, red hay, and pellets for lunch, and a Rich Tea biscuit around 8 pm. Even though she has her own food, Bluebell still manages to swipe some of theirs, especially when she can see it. In her previous home, she would even steal McDonald’s chips.

Not only does Bluebell have a penchant for food theft, but she has also been known to make a daring escape. Ms. Murray once found her relaxing in a field surrounded by horses after she managed to slip away to a nearby farm.

Despite her mischievous antics, Bluebell is mostly laid-back. She enjoys sitting under the patio table in the back garden and has her favorite secret spots to relax. Ms. Murray considers Bluebell to be the best pet she has ever had, and everyone who meets her seems to love her.

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