“Feline Follies: Hilarious Moments of Cats Caught in Vases, Face-planting Floors, and Driving Cars Captured by Amused Owners”

It’s a common knowledge for pet cat owners that cats can seem unapproachable, smart, and always one step ahead. But a collection of amusing Snapchat photos shared by yasdavidtennant on Imgur reveals otherwise. These cats are anything but clever as they get stuck in vases, topple over plants, and doze off face-planting the floor. Their silly actions make for a good laugh and entertaining photographs.

Taking to social media app Snapchat, this cat owner said it looked as though their pet is wearing the fur of its enemies

This individual shared on Snapchat that their cat seemed to be wearing the fur of its enemies, which has gained over 99,000 views. The owners captured various photos of their feline friend in action, such as the kitty camouflaging into the surroundings and scaling kitchen cabinets to get to some grub. These comical snapshots are evidence that cats can be both amusing and cunning.

When a friend's cat got its head stuck in a vase, they broke it but were left with a part of it still around its neck, which made for a great picture

One time, my friend’s feline companion got its head trapped in a vase. In order to free the poor creature, they had to break the vase. However, a fragment of it remained around the cat’s neck, creating a hilarious photo opportunity.

One owner spotted their cat giving up on being a cat and deciding to face-plant the chair instead

A cat parent witnessed their feline friend giving up on its usual feline activities and choosing to face-plant onto a chair instead.

A teeny tiny kitten somehow managed to trap itself inside a large vase and was unable to get out 

A little and cute kitten found itself stuck in a big vase and couldn’t escape.

When you're cooking, it's easy to notice when there has been a cat about - as the evidence above proves 

While preparing your meals, it’s noticeable when a feline has made an appearance, just as demonstrated in the picture above.

A cat saw children playing on the rocking horse and now climbs on top and  meows until you rock her 

The feline friend observed some kids having fun on a rocking horse and decided to join in on the action. Now, she regularly hops onto the toy and lets out a series of meows to signal that it’s time for her to get rocked too.

Can you spot the black cat? One owner spent ten minutes looking for their feline and struggled to be able to find them 

Do you see the black kitty? A pet owner searched for their cat for about 10 minutes and had a hard time locating their furry friend.

'I moved today, my cat isn't taking it so well'

'So busted...'

One pet had a hard time adjusting to their owner’s move and expressed their frustration by sticking their head in a cupboard. Meanwhile, another cat got into trouble after playing with freshly-planted bulbs and accidentally knocking them down.

An owner was about to turn their hob on when they noticed that their black cat was in fact sitting on top 

of the hob. This could have been a dangerous situation as the hob would have heated up, and the cat could have been seriously injured. Fortunately, the owner noticed the cat before turning on the hob and was able to move the cat to safety. It’s important to always be aware of your surroundings, especially when it comes to the safety of our furry friends.

One cat looked very relaxed after they chewed an armrest for themselves from a cardboard box 

A feline appeared quite at ease as it lounged on a homemade armrest created from a cardboard box that it had chewed on.

'I think my cat is broken (she looks at me like this every time I chop onions)

'I feel like my sister's cat is plotting to kill me'

Every time the owner would cut onions, one of their cats would give them a sideways glance while the other would gaze out the window.

A group of cats nearly made it to the top shelf to retrieve the food they wanted but were caught by their bright eyes in the nick of time 

A cluster of feline friends were on the verge of reaching the highest shelf to satisfy their hunger pangs. However, their plan was foiled just in time as their shining eyes gave them away.

A cat put on its best big-eyed look when they were caught creating one of their hoading stashes 

The feline acted innocently with its adorable, wide-eyed expression upon being discovered while in the process of collecting and hiding its possessions.

'I think my cat is trying to summon a demon'

'New neighbours'

There are certain feline companions that can give off an eerie vibe, such as the cat captured in a photo appearing to dabble in dark magic by the flames. Additionally, we have caught a glimpse of two curious neighbors who were caught spying from their balcony.

This person doesn't even have a cat but managed to gain one when he jumped in his car and was followed by a cat who then refused to leave 

Despite not being a cat owner, this individual unexpectedly acquired a feline companion when a curious cat snuck into their car and refused to vacate.

When somebody accidentally kicked over their cat's milk and had no replacement, they felt the wrath of their pet

The moment someone unintentionally knocked over their feline’s bowl of milk without a backup, they experienced the full fury of their furry companion.

An owner thought their rug had eyes when they looked down to see them shining in the darkness

The rug’s owner was taken aback when they glanced down and noticed what appeared to be glowing eyes staring back at them from the darkness.

Does your cat need to go on a diet? This owner noticed their pet might have put on a few pounds when they climbed the scratch post 

Is your feline friend in need of shedding some weight? As per a cat owner’s observation, their furry pal might have gained some extra pounds when it struggled to climb the scratch post.

Why go camping when you can go glamping? This cat is truly spoiled with both its yurt and iPad

Who needs traditional camping when you can indulge in glamping? A feline friend enjoys the luxuries of a cozy yurt and even has access to an iPad. Talk about being pampered!

'Neighbour's cat, curious about our fake raven'

'That's it... I'm done... I am done buying things for my cat'

A feline was caught gazing at a counterfeit raven, while another kitty opted to snuggle underneath its bed, rather than sit on top of it.

This cat was truly terrified and didn't know what to do when its owners girlfriend meowed back at it one day

The poor feline was in a state of utter panic and had no idea how to react when the girlfriend of its owner responded to its meow with her own.

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