Playful Baby Elephant Enjoys a Giant Sandbox Adventure (VIDEO)

Watching animals play can be as delightful as seeing children at a playground. Like kids, animals can run, stumble, and enjoy their surroundings. A young elephant was recently captured doing just that.

A baby elephant named Pymai was full of energy and joy, dragging its toes through the mud in a clumsy yet endearing manner. Swaying side-to-side, Pymai pushed the mud around playfully, reminiscent of a child at play.

This adorable scene brings to mind the beloved Disney character, Dumbo. Although Pymai can’t fly, the young elephant is entertained with its wobbly steps and playful antics.


After playing in the mud, Pymai moved towards a large sandpile. Navigating the sandpile was like an adventurous hike for the little elephant. Pymai’s trunk gracefully swept through the sand, much like gentle waves at sea.

At the center of this sandy playground was a caretaker who playfully tossed two handfuls of sand at Pymai, causing the young elephant to tumble to the bottom of the pile. Nearby, two older elephants watched, seemingly wanting to join the fun.


Despite the fall, Pymai’s joy was uncontainable. The baby elephant rolled around gleefully, enjoying a sandy bath.

The bigger elephants approached but did not participate much in the play. As rain began to fall, young Pymai’s happiness only grew.

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