Remarkable Elephant Picks Up Litter and Disposes of It Properly in a Bin

In an impressive display of tidiness, an elephant was caught on camera tidying up litter by picking up trash and placing it in a bin.

The footage, captured on CCTV, shows the elephant walking through a back garden in Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa, where it noticed some discarded cans on the grass.

Rather than ignore the trash, the elephant approached it and used its trunk to carefully pick up each can. For one of the cans, it even used its foot to get a better grip before finally placing it in a nearby bin.

The elephant didn’t just stop with the cans—it appears to have also gathered other litter it found in the bush, disposing of everything properly. While the first can easily made it into the bin, the second one required a bit more effort.

After initially dropping it, the elephant tried again and successfully deposited the can on the second attempt.

Photographer Russell Owen MacLaughlin recorded the amazing moment. He had set up CCTV cameras around his home in Hoedspruit, South Africa, to observe wildlife in the area.

Reflecting on the incident, Russell shared his astonishment: “The elephant just went and picked up cans to throw them in the bin. It was absolutely mind-blowing. I can’t explain why or how it happened; it just did. I guess it’s another example of animals doing remarkable things.”

This incredible moment highlights both the intelligence of elephants and the unexpected ways in which animals can interact with their environment.

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