Rescue Mission: Volunteers Save Elephant Stuck in Sewage Drain at Ugab Rest Camp

A heartwarming example of collaboration and kindness was seen as a team of volunteers came together to save a stranded female elephant in a sewage drain at Ugab Rest Camp in Namibia. The elephant had slipped into the small, three-foot by four-foot drain overnight and was unable to free herself.


The next day, visitors and workers at the lodge found the elephant in need of help and sprang into action to aid the distressed creature. They started by gently spraying her with water and dust to help cool her down in the hot Namibian weather. With no external assistance in sight, the team took matters into their own hands and decided to help the elephant on their own.


Equipped with hoses, shovels, and unwavering determination, they worked to fill the ditch with sand and rocks to raise the ground level and assist the elephant in climbing out.
Archie van der Merwe, who oversees Laramon Tours and was present during the 11-hour rescue mission, shared their efforts: “We couldn’t just stand idly by while the animal was in distress, so we utilized the swimming pool pump from the camp to drain the knee-deep water.”
The volunteers persisted in their efforts, tirelessly working to pump out the water and fill the ditch. It was only after hours of hard work that the elephant was finally able to bend her knees and make her escape.


During the entire incident, the elephant maintained its composure and did not display any aggression towards those trying to help. It seemed as though the elephant could sense their good intentions.
After hours of trying, the elephant was finally able to hoist herself onto her hind legs and climb out of the drainage pit.
Mr. Van der Merwe, looking back on the rescue, expressed his satisfaction, saying, “All the hard work was definitely worth it. We all headed to the pool afterwards to relax and celebrate the successful rescue.”


This successful rescue serves as a beautiful testament to the strength of togetherness and kindness, showing the strong bond between people and animals. The volunteers’ altruistic efforts unquestionably made a huge difference in saving the life of this magnificent creature.









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