Resilience Beyond Limits: Meet the Cat with Two Missing Front Legs Who Walks with a T-Rex Swagger.

A feline from Chiang Mai, Thailand named Able went through a tragic incident that caused him to lose his tail and front paws due to an electric shock caused by exposed wires. Despite this setback, Able continues to live his life like any other cat by walking on his hind legs, which reminds people of the T-Rex. Although the incident was traumatic, Able has shown strength and resilience in his journey towards recovery.
At a mere year old, Able experienced a loud noise that startled the entire neighborhood, leading them to believe that there was a bomb. Unfortunately, this noise caused hundreds of volts of electricity to surge through Able’s body, rendering him unable to move. Fortunately, a benevolent resident named Walai Sriboonvorakul found Able stranded in an alley seven days after the accident and nursed him back to health. Able is now three years old and has made a full recovery despite his past injuries. He has learned some impressive skills such as scaling flights of stairs, chasing other cats, and jumping up walls by bouncing like a kangaroo.

'Able' gets around by walking like a T-Rex after his front legs were 'fried off' by loose electric wires. The cat's gait resembles how the dino moves and Able's 'fried off' arms are even similar to the shrunken limbs of the frightening beast

Able is a cat who has an unusual way of moving around. This is because of an unfortunate incident where he lost his front legs due to unsecured electric wires. As a result, he now walks like a T-Rex dinosaur, with movements that are similar to the scary beast’s gait. In addition, his arms have also shortened and resemble the dino’s shrunken limbs.

Able was disfigured after the horrific incident that happened in the streets of Chiang Mai, Thailand

In addition to walking like a T-Rex, the three-year-old cat hops like a kangaroo

An unfortunate incident on the streets of Chiang Mai, Thailand left a cat named Able disfigured. Although the incident caused him to walk in a unique way, like a T-Rex and hop like a kangaroo, the three-year-old feline is still beautiful and capable. He was named Able because he can do everything that other animals can do despite his condition. Sadly, Able’s injuries resulted from electrocution from wires that caused his legs and tail to drop off due to the powerful electricity. At first, his wounds were painful, but he quickly adapted to his new way of life. He learned how to stand and balance on his hind legs and has now become incredibly strong. Able can climb stairs, play chase with other cats by bouncing like a mini kangaroo, and even jump high up walls and ledges.

The electric shock was so loud that neighbours thought a bomb had gone off. Able was rescued by Walai Sriboonvorakul, who found him lying in an alley

The sound of a sudden electric shock caused panic among the neighbors who initially thought it was a bomb explosion. Luckily, Walai Sriboonvorakul discovered Able lying in an alley and rescued him. The family embraced Able into their home and showered him with love and food. However, when Able wandered too far, he would get attacked by other stray animals. Due to this, the family decided to keep him inside their two-story home where he is safe from harm. Every morning, Able runs up to his “big brother” Copter’s bedroom to wake him up, and they spend their days playing together. Despite his disability, Able is cherished and has been given a wonderful life in his loving home.

Able struggled at first but the brave cat has adapted quickly. Not only can he hop around but is able to jump over high walls

At first, Able had a few challenges to overcome, but this brave kitty has adapted quickly. He’s not just able to get around by hopping, but he’s also able to jump over high obstacles.

Able is now considered part of the Sriboonvorakul  family and is kept inside their two storey home

Able has found a happy home with the Sriboonvorakul family and is living comfortably in their large two-story house.

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