Revolutionizing Orphaned Elephant Care: The Impact of Goat Milk at a Kenyan Sanctuary

In the dry terrain of northern Kenya, the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary is leading the way in a fresh approach to nurturing their group of abandoned elephants. Instead of expensive formula for human babies, the sanctuary opts for goat milk, a more nourishing and cost-effective option.


This approach is showing positive results for both the well-being of the elephants and the financial stability of the nearby community. Reteti Elephant Sanctuary, established in 2016, is committed to saving and restoring orphaned and deserted baby elephants.


After the young elephants have grown strong and independent, they are gradually released back into their natural habitat. In the past, the sanctuary used expensive powdered baby milk to feed the calves. But now, Dr. Steven Chege, the sanctuary’s veterinary consultant, has introduced a new approach by testing out formulas made from goat milk, especially for the youngest elephants.

This change is vital as these vulnerable calves can experience emotional distress from losing their mothers and being separated from their herds. It is a tough challenge to keep them healthy during this sensitive period.


Dr. Chege highlights the advantages of using goat milk to support the health and development of the young elephants. With its high digestibility and protein content, goat milk provides a great option for feeding the calves. Not only does it help prevent digestive problems, but it could also lead to substantial cost savings for the sanctuary by reducing the feeding expenses for the elephant herd.


The complete savings from this innovative feeding approach are still under evaluation, with aspects such as refrigeration costs being taken into account. Nonetheless, the beneficial effect on the community is already evident. Local goat breeders, including numerous women such as Liwana Lenakukunyia, have discovered a steady income stream by providing milk to the animal sanctuary. This chance has offered Liwana and others a newfound sense of financial security for their families. Through selling goat milk to the sanctuary, they have achieved economic empowerment.


The image of juvenile elephants eagerly sipping goat milk from bottles in their dusty enclosures showcases the effectiveness of this novel feeding technique. It not only meets the nutritional requirements of the elephants but also fosters a strong bond between wildlife conservation efforts and the nearby community, forming a sustainable and mutually advantageous partnership.



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